What is wudu basin?

Introduction of ablution(wudu or wudoo)

Wuḍūʾ (Arabic: الوضوء‎ al-wuḍūʼ [wʊˈdˤuːʔ])

According to the Holy book of Quran, muslim need to finish ablution ritual before they perform prayer. The washing ritual it involves washing at four compulsory areas, face, both hands, forehead to crown of head, both feet.

It is expected of all Muslims to pray 5 times a day. The prayer times, called (sallah in Arabic) are dawn, noon (doha) afternoon, dusk (magreb) and night prayer (isher). Time is allowed off work when the prayer time falls during the working day. During the dawn to dusk fasting month of Ramadan, Muslims are only expected to work from 10:00 to 15:00. It is to assist people to get through the fast during the day.

In each Islamic countries, each Mosque have WUDU(or Wudoo) place consists of average 30-50 basin or more and toilets (depends on Mosque size and how many prayers can accommodate). Some big mosques can accommodate more than 20,000 prayers and have more than 100 basins and toilets. The bigger mosques the more wudu facility needed.

There are 1487 mosques in Kuwait(2016), more than 16,000 registered mosques in Oman(Times of Oman 2018), 6747of mosques in the United Arab Emirates(2016),94,000 mosques in Saudi Arobia(Arab News, 2016)

How to use wudu basin?

Where to use wudu basin?

  1. Home
  2. Mosque
  3. Public: hospital, school, colleage, academy, shopping mall, hotel, airport, financial institution, cinema, prison, company, etc.

What problems can wudu basin solve?

  1. Ablution ritual finish in ONE basin
  2. Not to get the floor wet and avoid water splash
  3. Foot bath(foot wash)
  4. Can sit down and finish ablution decently
  5. Continue running clean water supplying
  6. Good for water management
  7. New design, save half water

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